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    Friday, March 30, 2012


    According to a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, "prepared foods may contain an average of 8% more calories than their package labels own up to, and restaurant meals may contain a whopping 18% more." The misleading labels are also said to be "perfectly o.k." with the Food and Drug Administration, which "plays no role in checking the calorie claims in restaurants." Without federal regulation, "it's up to the states to handle the job - with the predictable patchwork results." Susan Roberts, who conducted the study, described the unregulated menu counts as "the Wild West when it comes to this."

    Please remember, as with all our articles we provide information, not medical advice. For any treatment of your own medical condition you must visit your local doctor, with or without our article[s]. These articles are not to be taken as individual medical advice.Please remember, as with all our articles we provide information, not medical advice. For any treatment of your own medical condition you must visit your local doctor, with or without our article[s]. These articles are not to be taken as individual medical advice.

    Deepen your understanding of "medical malpractice"...
    For more health info and links visit the author's web site

    Thursday, March 15, 2012

    Sharing hospital room may increase infection risk during stay

    Sharing a hospital room increases your risk of picking up an infection during your stay, a new study shows." The work, by researchers from Queen's University in Kingston, Ont., "found that each new roommate raised a patient's risk of picking up an infection in hospital by about 10 percent." The study's senior author, Dr. Dick Zoutman, said in a statement, "That's a substantial risk, particularly for longer hospital stays when you can expect to have many different roommates."

    Please remember, as with all our articles we provide information, not medical advice. For any treatment of your own medical condition you must visit your local doctor, with or without our article[s]. These articles are not to be taken as individual medical advice.Please remember, as with all our articles we provide information, not medical advice. For any treatment of your own medical condition you must visit your local doctor, with or without our article[s]. These articles are not to be taken as individual medical advice.

    Deepen your understanding of "medical malpractice"...
    For more health info and links visit the author's web site